Football Season is Here! Get the Latest Info and Banter FREE!!
Times have
changed. You’ve already seen the updates that Jim Heckman and
company have been working on. I think that the site looks better and better
every day.
But what
really makes things go is content. And let’s be frank, you can get better and
more up-to-date content for free on the internet.
Haven’t you
noticed that 81% of the information on this site is either wrong or misleading?
Or that the message boards are heavily censored to promote the agenda of Kim
Grinolds, Chris Fetters, and Scott Eklund? What value are the proprietors of
this site adding to your Husky Football experience for your $10.95 every month?
Nothing you can’t get for free just by clicking elsewhere.
Lately, the
folks in charge have been whipping people up against Coach Pete – under the
guise of “just asking questions,” but inserting phrases like “burning bridges”
“blowing everything up”
into the discourse. But while 7-Win
Steve Sarkisian was coaching, no criticism of the head man was even tolerated
on the boards… why do you suppose that was?
Even if you like
paying perfectly good money to be condescended to (Hi Chris Fetters!) , you
might want to consider giving
a phone call and ask to terminate your subscription – they typically respond by
giving those who complain a month or two for free. So why pay when you
don’t have to? So Kim can pay too much for a bottle of a cab that drinks like a
merlot?’s subscription number is: 1-888-501-5752.
They are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (PST)
Monday through Saturday.
Do you remember Kim calling a Danny Mattingly an “idiot” when he committed to Oregon over Washington, and when Kim told everyone that Tyree and Tyrell Washington were coming to UW? Well, if you don’t, here is the screenshot:
Some Oregon
fan called “Matmik” made Kim and Chris look foolish for weeks… Kim was talking
about expansion of the NCAA probe into Oregon’s basketball program, vacated
wins including their 2010 BCS national title season, ineligible players
including LaMichael James and Darron Thomas. None of it came to pass. Probably
because Kim was just “passing along” blog rumors made by an Oregon fan who was
trolling him.
Adding insult to injury, the coach that Kim
and Chris defended to the last subjected funeral attendees to a “GO!!!” “HUSKIES!!!!”
I don’t
claim to know what the James family thought of it, but it sure seems to lack
the gravitas that personified Coach James throughout his life and career.
But this is
all ancient history, you might be saying to yourself. So let's look at how the staff
has behaved since Coach Pete was hired at UW. “We’re just asking questions,” “he
has never recruited at a Pac-12 level,” (despite the fact that Pete’s current class’
Scout start rating at 3.27 is higher than ANY of Sarkisian’s classes at UW ).
Just one
Or Scott’s
carping about Pete’s handling of bad personnel decisions by the previous regime
(to Eklund, Sark can do no wrong):
Besides, all
the recruiting “gurus” that actually know what they are talking about put the
info out on Twitter anyway, for free:
For great
Husky football coverage, check out Christian Caple at the Tacoma News-Tribune:
Adam Jude blogs about the Huskies for the Seattle Times here:
If you enjoy
message boards, there are places to go where dissent isn’t met with condescension
and treating paying customers like crap:
Johnson’s Hardcore Husky Board -yes, this place can be pretty over-the-top and
isn’t for everyone, but if you can get past the inside jokes that may or may
not be funny after the 23rd time and the NSFW links, these boards
have the advantage of near-complete uncensored chaos. Also, Derek has great
contacts with ex-Husky players and coaches, and reels in some quality
You can do better. The Husky fanbase deserves better.
Call today and cancel your membership:
I sold my website to WHO?